We use standard shipping wich means that your order is mostly delivered in 1-4 weeks due to the current high demand. We will ship your order within 24 hours of purchase to speed up the delivery process. Should there be any questions or problems with your order, we are available around the clock.
We use industry standard SSL encryption to protect your details. Potentially sensitive information such as your name, address and card details are encoded so they can only be read on the secure server.
Please be aware an automated email is sent to you to the given email address when your order is dispatched. Please check all folders including you junk mail.
We aim to process returns within 5-7 working days of receiving them. You will be notified by email once the return is complete.We suggest you make a note of the shipping reference given when you sent the item back. This will allow you to track your parcel at every stage of delivery, including when we receive it.Should you have any queries about your return, please feel free to contact our Customer Service team via email
Once we receive your item(s) back, our returns department will inspect and restock the goods. Once our returns department have done this, an automated refund is generated on our system. Your outstanding refund is then processed by our accounts department back to your original payment method. This process typically takes 5-7 working days. When returning your products please remember to include your original invoice, without this it may delay your refund.
If you are returning an unsuitable item for a refund we will refund the cost of the item only and not the original delivery cost.Should you be returning a faulty item for a refund we will refund both the original shipping costs and the return delivery costs.
If you are returning an unsuitable item for a refund we will refund the cost of the item only and not the original delivery cost. Should you be returning a faulty item for a refund we will refund both the original shipping costs and the return delivery costs.